To evaluate the antioxidant activity from cow urine betel vine extract. Piper Betel (Betel leaf) is a Vedic plant, which is using as a remedy for various diseases. In Ayurveda betel leaf extract was frequently used as an adjuvant and mixed with different medicines possibly for better effects beside its independent use as medicine. It is believed to provide strength to the heart and regulate the blood flow to the heart.
Its utility as anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial is emphasized in several ancient books. It is also used in improving taste and appetite and in treating several diseases of GIT, liver, brain and respiratory tract etc. cow urine is also believed to have therapeutic value and used in various drug formulations. Essentially it is used as a disinfectant and for purification. It has been proved as antiseptic and disinfectant, when compared to the synthetic chemicals which are currently available to consumers.
Thus, cow urine is not a toxic effluents it contains much of water, urea, a mixture of minerals, salts, hormones and enzymes. In rural areas this cow urine has been used since a long years for treating various diseases. Hence, in the present study we are evaluating data by the synonymous activity of curing ulcer from above mentioned natural ingredients by using the extract of these which is prepared by shade drying of the betel leaves and then powdered and extracted with cow urine by maceration process and subjected to various phytochemical studies.
Phytochemical investigation revealed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, saponins, carbohydrates, proteins, oils and fats. Hence this extract is used to study the antioxidant activity by DPPH assay and Nitric oxide scavenging method.


As we know that stereochemistry mainly deals with the different special arrangements of substituent’s around carbon in space, which involves the conformations and configurations of the molecule.
Conformation of a molecule is related to rotation, which in turn associated with an energy barrier. The lower the rate, higher the barrier.
Applications of stereochemistry in industries and research fields.